Studio Time
Being of steady hand and mind, Alison allowed me to perform an upgrade on her rare and very special Stargate reverb unit.
And with Peanut’s help, Doctor Body is moving ever closer to the release of our first full-length album…
Late November Moon
Cabin Studio v3
One year of planning…
6 months of buying, selling, and shipping…
Two months of reworking every connection…
One GLORIOUS day when it ALL comes together…
And it sounds… well, it sounds…
Ghost in the Mirror
So… I was just minding my own beeswax when the bathroom mirror came crashing down… shattering itself to pieces… all over the floor.
I didn’t manage to snap a photo of the antique glass fragments, but I DID find this 1970s newspaper hidden in the mirror frame…
Did the mirror fall from natural causes or was it the ghosts of John Wayne Gacy victims?!? Sadly we won’t know until the ghost hunters come check it out.
Until then, this new mirror should do just fine.
Scully Meets Porcupine
So… my brave little girl was defending me from a local porcupine (from the Latin porcus pig + spina spine, quill) and came away with a few prizes.
To be fair, spiny-pigs are actually rodents, and Scully is quite adept at dispatching rodents. Just maybe not the ones with quills…
Not to worry though… 10 minutes later and she was all wags and licks. What a good girl!